I just heard from my publisher, that my 10th rhyming picture
book, "Horatio Humble Beats the BIG D."
is on their publishing short list - YEA!!
Books for Kids - Manuscript Critiques
is on their publishing short list - YEA!!

Remember school, and how all of you dreaded being sent to Special Ed Classes - for whatever reason? Well Horatio is no exception. Sure he can't read well, but that's preferable to going to THAT class and being thought dumb by his schoolmates. But a dreaded parent teacher meeting set his fate, and whine or not, he was enrolled in THAT class. However, instead of wearing an instant "dumb" badge, and being laughed at, Horatio discovered that Dyslexia was only a word - one he could learn to spell AND read.
A Parent-teacher guide comes with "Horatio." It show kids with Dyslexia that the fun and joy of reading wonderful books is just a Special Ed class away. There are also links to more serious help for parents who feel their child needs more than Horatio can offer.
Oh. . . and don't forget these two:
A Parent-teacher guide comes with "Horatio." It show kids with Dyslexia that the fun and joy of reading wonderful books is just a Special Ed class away. There are also links to more serious help for parents who feel their child needs more than Horatio can offer.
Oh. . . and don't forget these two:

Great for Boys!
Rhyming stories are a great way to get
reluctant readers reading
- especially boys!
Soon I will be promoting 3 books from home -
by the seat of my pants!
And I mean that LITERALLY, mates!!
Rhyming stories are a great way to get
reluctant readers reading
- especially boys!
Soon I will be promoting 3 books from home -
by the seat of my pants!
And I mean that LITERALLY, mates!!
My messed up knee replacement surgery still has me hobbling around using a quad and a cane. It's slowly improving, but the accent is on the S-L-O-W part. Bottom line. . . no one can promise me I will ever be able to walk any distance again, or stand for very long. I have to deal with what IS, and not what I would like it to be.
That means getting the news out about my latest
two books + another one in the pipe-line, a mid-grade adventure for boys, using any means at my disposal!
What a sob story you say!

Hey! Please give a dedicated author a break!
The internet is the only way for me to GRAB your attention.
I promise that a quick look at BOOKS on my
website will not waste your time - honest!!
I had great fun writing verses for
"Ruthie" and that sneaky pink Hippo of hers.
And the crazy antics of Gran and Pa, in
"Rattlesnake Jam," made even my husband laugh.
"Horatio" and his Dyslexia challenge was a labor of love -
based on similar problems I saw first hand, as a teacher's aid.
All were written with the idea of fun reads for kids
- especially reluctant readers and boys.
So I guess if this sob story drags you to my WEBSITE for a quick peek,
and you end up buying an autographed copy for a kid you love,
( coloring sheets + bookmarks included!), my sobs were worth it.
ALSO: Amazon - Powell's Books - G.A.P etc.
Please leave a comment
and let me know if my sob story worked.
I love each one of my books, and hope you and the kids in your life will love
them also. Listen, you can't really blame me for wanting my books
to reach the kids I wrote them for - now can you?
two books + another one in the pipe-line, a mid-grade adventure for boys, using any means at my disposal!
The seat of my pants is actually wearing out from sitting at my desk, pounding the keys, and my brains, scrambling for ways to let everyone know I have two, NEW, rhyming books out, just longing to be read by oodles of kids.What a sob story you say!

Hey! Please give a dedicated author a break!
The internet is the only way for me to GRAB your attention.
I promise that a quick look at BOOKS on my
website will not waste your time - honest!!
I had great fun writing verses for
"Ruthie" and that sneaky pink Hippo of hers.
And the crazy antics of Gran and Pa, in
"Rattlesnake Jam," made even my husband laugh.
"Horatio" and his Dyslexia challenge was a labor of love -
based on similar problems I saw first hand, as a teacher's aid.
All were written with the idea of fun reads for kids
- especially reluctant readers and boys.
So I guess if this sob story drags you to my WEBSITE for a quick peek,
and you end up buying an autographed copy for a kid you love,
( coloring sheets + bookmarks included!), my sobs were worth it.
ALSO: Amazon - Powell's Books - G.A.P etc.
Please leave a comment
and let me know if my sob story worked.

them also. Listen, you can't really blame me for wanting my books
to reach the kids I wrote them for - now can you?
Books for Kids - Manuscript Critiques